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Types of Solar Cell and its Applications

Earlier, solar energy was considered as the only producer of heat energy, until the discovery of solar cells (or, photovoltaic cells), meaning (Photo-light and Volta –electricity), i.e. light to electricity. This phenomenon was first observed by Alexander-Edmond Becquerel in 1839, when the light hit a piece of metal, electrons, thus making electricity. Though the concept was ignored and not well understood until the 1950s, Bell Labs scientists rediscovered solar cells. Modern photovoltaic were manufactured much later in the ’70s but gradually matured with the discovery of other technology and inventors like standardized components and more. 

And, now are broadly adopted across the world. As being a more efficient renewable source of energy large investments are made as non-renewable sources are almost to their extinction. The solar cell is the basic unit of a photovoltaic energy generation. There are many types of Solar Cell that are present in the world. We will see how many types of Solar Cell are there in the market.

Solar Energy

Solar panel and solar energy in India

Did you know that the amount of sunlight that strikes the earth's surface in an hour and a half is enough to handle the entire world's energy consumption for a full year? Solar energy has an amazing potential to power our daily lives thanks to constantly-improving technologies.

Solar Cell

The photovoltaic cell, in general, is made of the element silicon. The solar cell is the basic unit of a photovoltaic energy generation. A single solar cell can produce about a half a volt of electricity and fewer amps current depending on the type of cell. Cells are connected in series to create called a series string for increasing the voltage. The series string is laminated to the backing material, sealed in a weatherproof plastic coating, and then a cover glass is placed on top, often with an aluminium frame around the edges. This assembly is called the photovoltaic module.

Photovoltaic Module

Typically, for domestic off-grid and commercial buildings, solar panels consist of more than one module, in accordance with the supply-demand. Modules are connected in a series circuit called series string to meet supply needs.

Types of Solar Cell

Solar cells are basically made of silicon which makes up the commercial market as it impacts the overall cost of production of module efficiency. Other than that, cells are also made with other elements and materials which are more efficient but the cost of production is high.

Types of Solar cell - Silicon-based

Types of Solar Cell and applications

1. Amorphous silicon:

This types of the solar cell are the cheapest to produce but are the least efficient. Their efficiency varies between 5-7%. Hence, are less commercially used.

Application: pocket calculator and other small devices.

2. Polycrystalline silicon:

Polycrystalline or multi-crystalline silicon is more commercially used cells and cheap to produce making it hold maximum market shares. It has an efficiency of 15-17%. It has characteristics flaky-like appearance when silicon deposited in a chemical vapour forming multiple crystals.

Application: Uses Off-grid domestic connection.

3. Monocrystalline silicon:

Monocrystalline silicon or single crystal silicon is more efficient. It’s about 15-22% efficient, but it's also the most expensive to produce. The overall appearance of silicon is uniform, flat, black and non-flaky.

Application: In commercial buildings where energy demand is high.

Other Types of Solar cell

1.   CIGS cells:

CIGS acronym refers to the photovoltaic elements copper, indium, gallium, diselenide. These are thin-film cells. It has achieved an efficiency of 22% in lab settings. Rainy and cloudy conditions do not dispute Energy Generation.

2.   Cadmium Telluride(CdTe) cells:

Cadmium Telluride solar cells are also thin-film technology attending an efficiency of 22%. The only share of the common market, but currently the largest non-silicon market share.

3.   Gallium Arsenide(GaAs) cells:

Gallium Arsenide cells have an effective efficiency of 29%. However, there are concerns about health conditions with these materials for the presence of Arsenide.

4.   Dye-Sensitized cells:

Dye-sensitized is emerging solar cells which are translucent and can be made flexible. These are cheaper to obtain. These types of cells are or rooftops not suitable for sustaining the heavy loads of other heavy modules. Its efficiency reaches up to 12%.

5.   Perovskite cells:

Perovskite cells are emerging solar cells made of hybrid organic-inorganic light-harvesting materials. They are cheap and simple to manufacture. They have an efficiency of 22%.

6.   Multi-junction cells:

Multi-junction cells are the most advanced type of cells consisting of different layers piled one upon the other. As they are able to absorb different wavelengths of the light spectrum thus making them the most efficient and expensive solar cells. Use in satellites and space probes.

Improvement of Photovoltaic cells with time

Silicon cells have reached their maximum efficiency over the decades and major shares of the market.

Thin-film(CIGS, gallium arsenide) cells made great improvement over the years and became more and more efficient, but with concern to their toxicity, their commercialization is limited.

Emerging cells (dye-sensitized, perovskite) are making quick gains, but are many years toward commercialization.

Multi junctional cells show the highest efficiency, mostly being in the lab stage and commercially expensive for commercial purpose.

Post by Samrat Bose

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